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Finding a Home for an Unwanted Rabbit (rehoming)

Finding a new home for a rabbit (rehoming) is all about preparation and patience.

Will They Ever Be Friends?

For most rabbits, a buddy of their own kind enhances life.

Inside The Box

Carolyn Long’s “rabbit boxes” are artistic tributes celebrating rabbits as individuals and companions.

Trauma Responsive Care for Rescued Rabbits: 10 Principles for Creating a Compassionate and Healing Home

These ten principles provide guidance for creating a compassionate and healing sanctuary for rabbits, focusing on understanding, safety, listening, acceptance, parity, belonging, trust, self-determination, assurance, and beauty.


Learn about the world of rabbits through our authors' compelling narratives.

Why Keep Your Rabbit Indoors?

Keeping your rabbit indoors is a compassionate choice.

Reading Your Rabbit’s Behavior

A basic vocabulary of rabbit language to help you start a conversation with your companion.
stuffed rabbit toy

Letter to the Editor for Easter Rabbits

A live rabbit at easter is a poor choice. Choose a stuffed bunny toy instead.

The Facts About Poinsettia “Toxicity”

The myth that Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are toxic still persists. However, extensive testing has […]

Four Helpful Tips for Rabbit Urine Odor Control

Smelly rabbit litterbox? Here are our top for tips.
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