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Finding a Home for an Unwanted Rabbit (rehoming)

Finding a new home for a rabbit (rehoming) is all about preparation and patience.

Will They Ever Be Friends?

For most rabbits, a buddy of their own kind enhances life.

Inside The Box

Carolyn Long’s “rabbit boxes” are artistic tributes celebrating rabbits as individuals and companions.


Learn about the world of rabbits through our authors' compelling narratives.

Why Keep Your Rabbit Indoors?

Keeping your rabbit indoors is a compassionate choice.

Reading Your Rabbit’s Behavior

A basic vocabulary of rabbit language to help you start a conversation with your companion.
stuffed rabbit toy

Letter to the Editor for Easter Rabbits

A live rabbit at easter is a poor choice. Choose a stuffed bunny toy instead.

The Facts About Poinsettia “Toxicity”

The myth that Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) plants are toxic still persists. However, extensive testing has […]

Four Helpful Tips for Rabbit Urine Odor Control

Smelly rabbit litterbox? Here are our top for tips.


兔子由於天性使然,會去選擇一或數個地方(通常會是角落處)當作自己的廁所,去那裡尿 尿,多數的便便也會留在那
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