Your generous donations support the operation and maintenance of, as well as our EVERYBUNNY advocacy and rescue support community and the Stop Rabbit Sales Coalition. We are an all-volunteer organization with a dedicated working board of directors committed to advancing rabbit welfare.
With your help, we produce a Free Images Library and a comprehensive Rabbit Education Resource Library, making valuable resources freely accessible to caregivers, rescuers, and advocates worldwide. We also use our funds to advocate for rabbit welfare. We're proud to say that our advocacy efforts were critical in Petco's decision to stop selling rabbits in September 2024. For more details, please see our Our Projects page.
We're open to creative ideas from the rabbit rescue, education, and advocacy community. Our mission is to foster collaboration, education, and awareness with the ultimate goal of ending the suffering, abuse, and exploitation of all rabbits.
Important Points:
- Our primary focus is on education and advocacy.
- We believe donating to your local rabbit rescue group is the best way to support rabbit rescue.
- We do not engage in rescue operations ourselves, are not affiliated with any particular rescue group, and have no intention of becoming a rescue organization.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please reach out—we'd love to hear from you.