Our Board
We are a working board. Marinell focuses on authoring, Paige works on authoring and front-end website design, and Carl works on the backend.

Paige K Parsons
Paige has been a rabbit educator and advocate for thirty years. In 1994 she designed and created the first rabbit education website, becoming rabbit.org in 1996 after she had the foresight to register the domain. She received a Bachelor of Art and Design from MIT. Paige co-authored Apple’s first Web Design Guidelines. For more than a decade she has been the house photographer for the iconic Fillmore Auditorium. She lives in Palo Alto with her husband Carl and two house rabbits, Moe and Mimzy.

Marinell Harriman
Marinell is a humble leader in the world of rabbit advocacy. She sparked a global movement for rabbit rescue and care, introducing the concept of house rabbits with the publication of the House Rabbit Handbook in 1985 and the founding of House Rabbit Society (HRS) in 1988. Her work continues to inspire individuals to rewrite their views on rabbit companionship. She received a BFA in Fine Art and Illustration from Chouinard Art Institute. Marinell lives in Stonyford with her husband Bob and three special-needs house rabbits, Asteria, Mason and April.

Carl Waldspurger
Carl has been a behind-the-scenes presence in rabbit education for nearly three decades. Carl is a computer scientist in the systems area, and earned a Ph.D. in computer science from MIT. The prototype website for rabbit.org was originally hosted by his MIT research group in the 1990s. Carl currently works as an independent consultant and technical advisor, and also collaborates with academic research groups. He lives in Palo Alto with his wife Paige and two house rabbits, Moe and Mimzy.