Rabbit Education Library

Our Rabbit Education Library project is dedicated to creating and sourcing free high-quality rabbit education materials of rabbits that can be reused (and in some cases rebranded) for nonprofit rabbit education. This project is just in it's infancy, and we are incredibly grateful to Mary Cotter for continuing to share her beautiful and informative handouts.

By sharing and spreading quality education materials of rabbits for free, we can educate the world about the intelligent and social nature of our bunny friends.

General Care

Free to Rebrand

living with a house rabbit brochure
Living with a trifold House Rabbit Brochure.

Free to Print and Share

These printable articles on the care and behavior of house rabbits are unbranded available in pdf format. They are perfect for sharing with friends, vets, shelters and others wanting to learn more about house rabbit care.


Printed Education Materials

House Rabbit Resource Book

By San Diego House Rabbit Society

Downloadable and printable House Rabbit Resource Book from SDHRS

Creative Commons Rabbit Education Materials

WabbitWiki is a resource dedicated to pet domestic rabbit care and information started by the /r/rabbits community for everyone to use.

The majority of the content on WabbitWiki is available under a generous Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. They are always looking for additional contributors and editors.

Free Social Media Education Graphics

general Are you looking for general materials related to house rabbit education to share on your socials? Our talented author and graphic designer Amy Ramnaraine has designed a set of free unbranded materials for you to download and use. She has designed a graphic as well as educational content. You can post the educational content in the body of your social media post, or create a link to direct readers to your website. Don't have a website? We've also posted the long-form educational text associated with each subject on a landing page.

Gzip of unbranded social media graphics and associated educational content (54MB download).


Are you looking for materials for Adopt a Rabbit Month? Our talented author and graphic designer Amy Ramnaraine has designed a set of free unbranded materials for you to download and use. She has design a graphic as well as educational content. You can post the educational content in the body of your social media post, or create a link to direct readers to your website. Don't have a website? We've also posted the educational text on a landing page along with links to local rescues across the USA.


Adopt a Rescue Rabbit Month

February is Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
By Amy Ramnaraine

Article or post text to accompany "adopt two"

February is Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month
By Amy Ramnaraine

Article or post text to accompany "Adopt a Rescued Rabbit Month"

World Spay Day | Last Tuesday in February

Spay and Neuter Your Rabbits
By Amy Ramnaraine

Article or post text to accompany "Spay and Neuter Your Rabbits"

By Amy Ramnaraine

Article or post text to accompany "Bunpocalypse!"


Easter Flyers for Printing

Easter Articles

A few of our essays and articles on Rabbits and Easter. Feel free to link and share.

Why Chocolate Rabbits Are the Sweetest Easter Gift

By Paige K Parsons | March 18, 2024 | Comments Off on Why Chocolate Rabbits Are the Sweetest Easter Gift

Giving rabbits as Easter gifts can be problematic for several reasons, making chocolate rabbits a more suitable choice for the occasion.

Why Not Buy A Rabbit For Easter?

By Amy Ramnaraine | March 18, 2024 | Comments Off on Why Not Buy A Rabbit For Easter?

With Easter so close it’s important to realize that rabbits do not make good “starter” pets for children.

stuffed rabbit toy

Letter to the Editor for Easter Rabbits

By Our Think Tank | January 25, 2024 | Comments Off on Letter to the Editor for Easter Rabbits

A live rabbit at easter is a poor choice. Choose a stuffed bunny toy instead.

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