
Executive Summary

Oakland Animal Services recently transferred rabbits to Stockton Animal Shelter, which then placed them in Carters pet stores, bypassing proper adoption protocols and risking their welfare. Volunteers documented these concerning transfers and inadequate care standards at the stores. We urge OAS to immediately retrieve the rabbits, ensure transparency, and uphold rigorous adoption practices for their well-being.

Oakland Street Bunz asks the public to send emails and letters and share videos on social media.

The Details

On 3/1/24 Oakland Street Bunz became aware of Oakland Animal Services transferring 8 rabbits to Stockton Animal Shelter in advance of the Easter holiday, which as we know is a very tough time for rabbits & those who love them. It seemed odd that a somewhat distant shelter, one that doesn’t intake rabbits from the local public in their area, would be a transfer parter – particularly when there are other shelters closer.

Oakland Street Bunz inquired more and found out that these bunnies would be available for “adoption” through a Stockton pet store called Carters. It seemed a bit suspect and also unfortunate that, unlike scenarios with fantastic pet supply & adoption partners like Pet Food Express, this store actually sells small mammals, reptiles, parrots and other species. We didn’t see these rabbits advertised on their social media nor did we hear any word of their outcomes or adoptions. Volunteers in the OAS rabbit program expressed concern about these transfers and a second imminent transfer plan was thwarted.

Unfortunately this Tuesday 7/23/24 Oakland Street Bunz became aware that 11 more rabbits were transferred to Stockton Animal Shelter, although they would not actually enter that shelter system but instead be distributed among 3 Carters pet store outlets in the Stockton area. Several rabbit advocates & OSB volunteers went to these locations & recorded communications with staff regarding these rabbits. To repeat – this was multiple employees, at 3 different locations and with multiple folks doing the inquiring and recording in public. What follows is a compilation – we will continue to post more information from each location.

While Oakland Street Bunz knows not every adopter through OAS (or any shelter or rescue) follows all the caregiving advice, AT LEAST the basic rabbit caregiving information is provided to them & their adoption agreement stipulates these basic care needs. At the very least, there’s a verbalization of “indoor only, no cages or hutches, yearly vet care & vaccination boosters, etc” – a modicum of attention paid to instructions on how to provide a decent quality of life for these animals.

It’s no secret that the rabbit program has been having issues over the last year, with an increase in deaths & a pretty significant increase of litters born inside the shelter. While the bar is very low, OAS has traditionally been one of the better shelter programs for rabbits. This represents a drastic change for the worse.

Shelter Workers Want Answers

Shelter work, paid or unpaid, is often as brutal as it is rewarding. The good folks who put themselves through it for the sake of the critters have our eternal gratitude and respect. They are our lifelong friendships and community. I have spent many years supporting OAS in a variety of ways & I will continue to do so. But we need transparency & accountability. Rabbits need and deserve to have the same stewardship as the other species who enter the shelter system, not to be relegated as an “afterthought” or having less importance or value than dogs & cats.

We’ve altered the voices to protect these workers because they clearly weren’t hired to vet potential adopters but to sell animals & animal supplies. OAS volunteers & staff receive training on how to vet adopters and how to educate the public on appropriate caregiving for rabbits – these pet store employees do not.

Finally, Oakland Street Bunz wants to thank the many compassionate volunteers who’ve worked to expose this incredibly sad situation. This kind of work is both uncomfortable & depressing, but it’s also essential to being a voice for the voiceless.

What We Ask of Oakland Animal Services

Please OAS bring these remaining bunnies back! Please respect the efforts of your volunteers & fosters who expect a certain level of education and vetting for adopters. Please don’t allow these bonded couples to be broken up 🙏😞 They have only each other and it’s heartbreaking to imagine they will not only end up outside in small hutches or cages but also will lose their only friend. Please help us to get these rabbits back so they aren’t split up and all can find more acceptable & well-vetted adopters.

We want to understand why this OAS dereliction of duty occurred and why Stockton Animal Shelter doesn’t intake rabbits locally but would take OAS buns to be put in these inhumane circumstances. We pay tax dollars in Oakland to support our local shelter, whose adoption standards are RADICALLY better than this. Why was there no due diligence to confirm ANY information about caregiving or any basic standards for “adoption”. This, to all of us, feels like a workaround to the 2018 laws forbidding selling of rabbits in pet stores. All the advocates who recorded were told “just pay the $25 and fill out this form” which requires practically nothing but contact info and they’d be able to walk out the door immediately with rabbits.

What You Can Do

Write a Letter and Send an Email

We have drafted a letter/email you can send to Oakland Animal Services (OAS)

  • We ask for folks to reach out to Oakland Animal Services directly as well as Jestin Johnson, the City Administrator whose email is jdjohnson@oaklandca.gov
  • Oakland Animal Services is most easily reached on social media outlets as their phone number typically doesn’t get answered. As of June 24, 2024, the new OAS Director is Emily Wood & her email is EWood@oaklandca.gov  

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Oakland Animal Services
Emily Wood
Director, OAS
1101 29th Ave,

Oakland, CA 94601

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent actions of Oakland Animal Services (OAS) involving the transfer of rabbits to Stockton Animal Shelter and their subsequent availability for “adoption” through Carters pet store outlets. This situation has raised significant alarm among the rabbit advocacy community and volunteers who support OAS.

Summary of Grievances

On March 1, 2024, Oakland Street Bunz (OSB) discovered that OAS transferred eight rabbits to Stockton Animal Shelter before the Easter holiday. The transfer to a distant shelter, particularly one that does not intake rabbits locally, was suspicious and concerning. Further inquiries revealed these rabbits were being made available for adoption through Carters pet stores, which unfortunately sell various small mammals, reptiles, and birds, unlike responsible pet supply partners like Pet Food Express.

Despite our efforts to prevent another transfer, on July 23, 2024, we learned that 11 more rabbits were transferred to Stockton Animal Shelter, only to be distributed among three Carters pet store outlets. Volunteers recorded interactions with multiple employees across these locations, confirming a lack of proper care information and standards for rabbit adoption. These recordings highlight a distressing scenario where rabbits are treated as mere commodities rather than sentient beings with specific care needs.

Request for Immediate Action

We urgently request that OAS:

  1. Return the Remaining Rabbits: Immediately bring back the remaining rabbits from Carters pet stores to OAS or a reputable rescue.
  2. Ensure Proper Stewardship: Reaffirm and enforce the same high standards of care and adoption protocols for rabbits as for other animals, ensuring they are not relegated to an “afterthought” status.
  3. Provide Transparency and Accountability: Offer a clear explanation for this deviation from OAS’s established practices and the rationale behind partnering with Stockton Animal Shelter, which does not intake rabbits locally.
  4. Respect Volunteer Efforts: Acknowledge and support the dedication of volunteers and fosters who expect a rigorous vetting process for potential adopters, and ensure bonded pairs are not separated.
  5. Reevaluate Transfer Policies: Review and improve transfer policies to prevent rabbits from ending up in inhumane conditions, ensuring all adoption partners are vetted thoroughly.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the compassionate volunteers who have worked tirelessly to bring this issue to light. Their dedication to advocating for the voiceless is both admirable and essential.

I implore OAS to take swift action to rectify this situation, ensuring that these rabbits are given the chance for a safe and loving future. Please prioritize their well-being and respect the trust placed in OAS by the community and its volunteers.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.


[Your Name]

You can also email a copy to the following:

Jestin Johnson – City Administrator jdjohnson@oaklandca.gov

Please also email to your local new station, newspaper, and share information via social media.

  • Jessica Peters

    Jessica Peters is the founder of Oakland Street Bunz. She rescues “dumped” rabbits off the streets of Oakland & beyond. Please DM her at @oaklandstreetbunz to help her to foster, adopt, or help with rescues.

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