
The Hypocrisy of Adopting Rabbits from Breeders: Why Rescue is the Ethical Choice

By choosing to adopt from a rescue, individuals can make a positive impact on the lives of these vulnerable animals and help foster a culture of compassion and responsibility.
unhappy rabbit in cage

Resources for Helping Abused or Neglected Rabbits

We often receive inquiries about domestic rabbit neglect and abuse. Sadly, we hear of rabbits […]
unhappy rabbit in cage

Sample Pet Store Letter

A letter to help you reach out to pet stores that still sell rabbits.
house rabbit sitting on a dinner plate with angry caregiver

Sample Letter to Grocery Stores Asking them to Stop Selling Rabbit Meat

A letter template for writing to your local grocery store.

Why Chocolate Rabbits Are the Sweetest Easter Gift

Giving rabbits as Easter gifts can be problematic for several reasons, making chocolate rabbits a more suitable choice for the occasion.

Why Not Buy A Rabbit For Easter?

With Easter so close it’s important to realize that rabbits do not make good “starter” pets for children.
angora rabbit with long fur

The Painful Truth of Angora Fur

Unfortunately, because rabbits usually are so silent, it is easy for most people to fail to recognize their suffering.
cottontail rabbit

Guide to Cottontail Rabbit Nesting Season: Tips and Facts

Cottontail rabbit nesting season usually runs from late February to September, with peak births from March to July.

How Meat Bunnies Are Killed

Inhumane and brutal are words that describe the slaughter of rabbits for food. Trigger warning: This article describes rabbit slaughter in detail.
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