How to Keep Your Rabbit Cool In Summer

Rabbits’ bodies don’t sweat like ours and they can’t pant like a dog to cool off. Rabbits regulate body heat through their ears! They do not tolerate extreme heat and can die from becoming overheated. Temperatures above 77° F (25° C) are dangerous for rabbits.

In summer, heat exhaustion can be an issue for all rabbits but the long-haired, overweight, old and young are at elevated risk. Each rabbit responds differently so it’s important to monitor daily behavior.

How To Prevent Overheating:

  • Air conditioning if temps are over 77° F (25° C).
  • Oscillating fans if no air conditioning.
  • Trim away excess fur — short haircuts for long-haired bunnies.
  • Relocate bunny to a cooler part of the house. Keep out of sunlight.
  • Mist bunny’s ears — evaporating water will help with cooling.
  • Set up a fan to blow over a bowl of ice or cold water or over a wet sheet.
  • Place frozen water bottles near bunny. You can also buy a bed specifically made to incorporate frozen water bottles and even cold packs for your rabbit.
  • Freeze ceramic tiles for bunny to lie on.
  • Wrap a frozen 2L bottle with a towel as a bolster to lean against.
  • Add ice to bunny’s water crock.

Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion:

  • Fast, shallow breathing.
  • Wetness around the nose.
  • Listlessness.
  • Hot ears.
  • Tossing head back while breathing rapidly from open mouth.

These signs of heat exhaustion indicate an emergency. Take immediate action! Relocate to a cool place, keep out of sun, dampen ears with cool water, give cold water to drink, and call an experienced exotics veterinarian for further instructions.

More info:

©Copyright Amy Ramnaraine. All Rights Reserved. Republished with the permission of the author.

  • Amy Ramnaraine

    Since 2001 my life has been filled with my own beloved, free-roaming house rabbits. They fueled my desire to help other people and their rabbits live happily and healthfully together. I began as a local educator for the Minnesota Companion Rabbit Society (2008 — 2015). I then became a licensed educator for the national House Rabbit Society (2016 — 2023). I have expanded my own rabbit knowledge through many conferences and seminars on rabbit care, behavior, and health. As a rabbit advocate I’ve organized transports, campaigned, fostered, and provided hospice care. As an educator I’ve done my best to create easily accessible information to improve the lives of rabbits and the humans who care for them. My beloved bunnies were: Mouse & Duchess, Captain BlackOak & Pixel, Fluffston, Guinevere, Joy & Magnus.

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