Rabbits’ bodies don’t sweat like ours and they can’t pant like a dog to cool off. Rabbits regulate body heat through their ears! They do not tolerate extreme heat and can die from becoming overheated. Temperatures above 77° F (25° C) are dangerous for rabbits.
In summer, heat exhaustion can be an issue for all rabbits but the long-haired, overweight, old and young are at elevated risk. Each rabbit responds differently so it’s important to monitor daily behavior.
How To Prevent Overheating:
- Air conditioning if temps are over 77° F (25° C).
- Oscillating fans if no air conditioning.
- Trim away excess fur — short haircuts for long-haired bunnies.
- Relocate bunny to a cooler part of the house. Keep out of sunlight.
- Mist bunny’s ears — evaporating water will help with cooling.
- Set up a fan to blow over a bowl of ice or cold water or over a wet sheet.
- Place frozen water bottles near bunny. You can also buy a bed specifically made to incorporate frozen water bottles and even cold packs for your rabbit.
- Freeze ceramic tiles for bunny to lie on.
- Wrap a frozen 2L bottle with a towel as a bolster to lean against.
- Add ice to bunny’s water crock.
Recognize the signs of heat exhaustion:
- Fast, shallow breathing.
- Wetness around the nose.
- Listlessness.
- Hot ears.
- Tossing head back while breathing rapidly from open mouth.
These signs of heat exhaustion indicate an emergency. Take immediate action! Relocate to a cool place, keep out of sun, dampen ears with cool water, give cold water to drink, and call an experienced exotics veterinarian for further instructions.
More info:
- Heat Stroke http://www.specialbunny.org/bunny-rabbit-health-and-special-needs/heat-stroke?rq=heat
- Warm Weather Concerns http://rabbit.org/faq-warm-weather-concerns/
- How To Clipper A Rabbit Safely & Kindly https://rabbit.org/care/how-to-clipper-a-rabbit-safely-and-kindly/
- Hop n’ Flop Shop (bunny beds with cooling options) https://www.etsy.com/shop/hopnflopshop/?etsrc=sdt
©Copyright Amy Ramnaraine. All Rights Reserved. Republished with the permission of the author.