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wild rabbit

Humane Methods of Wild Rabbit Control

Courtesy of the Humane Society of the United States Rabbit damage is almost always the result […]

Life with an Aloof Rabbit

Rabbits have individual temperaments which must be recognized and respected.

Rabbit Sanctuary Group Living

Nine years in, my foster home prioritizes space and freedom for 20-25 "unadoptable" rabbits, contrasting with the few caged, adoptable ones awaiting homes.
rabbit cecotropes in a litterbox


Cecotropes are special droppings that rabbits consume directly from the anus before digestion. To be […]


Are Your Rabbit-Curious? Are You Rabbit Curious? You don’t have to have a bunny in […]

Spaying and Neutering Basics

One of the most important decisions you can make for the health and well-being of […]

Finding a Home for an Unwanted Rabbit (rehoming)

Finding a new home for a rabbit (rehoming) is all about preparation and patience.

Will They Ever Be Friends?

For most rabbits, a buddy of their own kind enhances life.

Rabbit Care Videos

Videos Actress and comedian Amy Sedaris and rabbit educator Mary Cotter teamed up with Howcast to […]

Poisonous Plants

Take care - rabbits can and will eat poisonous plants. Here's a list of common plants to avoid.
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