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More Than Just a Chew Stick

As a fosterer, I often receive calls from people who are trying to find homes […]

Pet Loss Support For Your Rabbit

When a pet dies, your rabbit needs loss support, too.

Interpretação do comportamento dos coelhos

Os coelhos possuem uma linguagem própria.
house rabbit on the couch

Scholarly Articles and Research on Rabbit Health

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit health, commonly known as ‘pet rabbits’ […]

Natural Nutrition I: The Importance of Fiber

In consultation with Cindy McBee, DVM For years, I have agonized over what to feed […]

Cult Film Delivers A Rabbit Monster: Frank of Donnie Darko

Richard Kelly's indie film Donnie Darko may baffle rabbit-loving folk. Its monster rabbit, Frank, is unbelievably ugly. And the film hints that his rabbit-soul may be even worse than his looks.

Traveling With a Rabbit: Your Complete Guide

Traveling with a rabbit is definitely no small task. Quite a bit of preparation and consideration is needed, especially if you do not have rabbit supplies at the destination.

Alternative Therapies to Treat Rabbit Pain and Musculoskeletal Issues and to Stimulate Wound Healing

Alternative therapies can be very useful in treating rabbits for many acute and chronic conditions. The modalities work best when utilized in combination with traditional veterinary therapies.
weepy eye in a domestic house rabbit

Runny Eyes, Runny Nose: What Do They Mean?

Rabbits can suffer from sneezing, runny nose, and runny eyes for a multitude of reasons.
house rabbit being groomed


Rabbits can act hardy, but their delicacy, from skin to spine, necessitates careful grooming
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