
Diverse Abilities: Harmony of Spirit

Rabbits don’t judge their companions by physical ability—they simply seek connection. Time and again, my bunnies have shown more kindness to their disabled friends than many humans do. Through snuggles, companionship, and patience, they prove that love and belonging transcend mobility, creating a world where every rabbit is valued.

Tumors in Rabbits

Both male and female rabbits can develop many forms of cancer, and any organ can be a primary site – or a secondary site as a result of metastasis.

Pasteurella: Its Health Effects in Rabbits

Understanding Pasteurella can help caregivers take positive action.

Traveling With a Rabbit: Your Complete Guide

Traveling with a rabbit is definitely no small task. Quite a bit of preparation and consideration is needed, especially if you do not have rabbit supplies at the destination.
closeup of a house rabbit eye

The Rabbit Eye: A Complete Guide

Everything about rabbit eyes, from vision to health challenges and treatments

Every Little Thing She Does

The more lives you pay attention to, the more you learn about those particular lives and about the craft of paying attention.

Perks & Pitfalls of Rabbits: An Honest Guide

Are you thinking about a rabbit as a pet? We're so glad you're researching rabbit care before making a decision.
two rabbits in a litter box

Litterboxes and Liver Disease

Choice of litter and bedding material has always been based on individual preferences. We now have reason to believe that real health factors must also be considered.

The Rabbit Liver in Health and Disease

We are working on securing reprint rights. In the meantime, here are third party links to the article.
rabbit feet with sore hocks

Treating Sore Hocks

Common causes of sore hocks as well as the recommended treatment
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