
two house rabbits eat greens by a chair

Vegetables and Fruits: A Summary

A list of bunny-friendly vegetables and fruits.

Spay-Neuter is a Win-Win

A spay-neuter prevents or solves all the most common behavior problems facing rabbits who live with humans.

Food & Diet

Adult rabbits need a balanced diet of unlimited hay, fresh greens, and a few pellets.

Missy Ott

1954—2022 Missy Ott Port Richey, Florida passed away September 9, 2022 in her sleep. She […]

Mental Health

A broken leg, a missing ear, partial paralysis from a puncture wound —these conditions are […]
house rabbit looking antisocial

Socializing the Antisocial Rabbit

Did Sinbad’s socialization subdue his vigorous spirit?

When Bunnies Use Biting Words

If you understand why bunnies bite, you can avoid being bitten.
a senior rabbit with assisted living needs

Assisted Living: Quality care for disabled bunnies

When rabbits lose their mobility, upright posture, or ability to reach and groom their extremities, they will need assistance with hygiene and their other daily tasks.

Choosing A Rabbit

While you consider what you want in a rabbit, consider also what you have to offer in yourself. Would your new bunny choose you?