
house rabbit on the couch

Scholarly Articles and Research on Rabbit Health

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit health, commonly known as ‘pet rabbits’ […]

The Mystery of Rabbit Poop

Resolving runny stool in a rabbit is not always a simple matter.
a bunny with torticollis

Head Tilt in Rabbits: Don’t Give Up

Head tilt is not only survivable, but treatable. Bunnies with a head tilt can live a happy, comfortable life.

Caring For Baby Bunnies

This article is reprinted by permission of If you find yourself caring for a domestic […]
wild rabbit nest with healthy babies

Wild Baby Bunnies: Are They Orphaned?

Wild baby bunnies are usually not orphaned. Despite good intentions, attempting to rehabilitate them can be illegal and harmful.

Feeding & Caring For Orphans

Sometimes domestic or wild rabbits are truly orphaned. This document is meant to help in that dire situation.

Core Beliefs

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that rabbits are intelligent and social animals who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
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