Pain medication

Pens: The modern housing preference

Pens are inexpensive, easy to use, and can be adapted to fit in nearly any home.

On Watch: The importance of being vigilant

Do a lot of watching and heed the clues.
house rabbit looking antisocial


Aggressive rabbits are often very intelligent animals who are just trying to express themselves.

Gi Stasis – The Silent Killer

It's an all too familiar story. "My bunny stopped eating, and then she just died."

Missy Ott

1954—2022 Missy Ott Port Richey, Florida passed away September 9, 2022 in her sleep. She […]
a senior rabbit with assisted living needs

Assisted Living: Quality care for disabled bunnies

When rabbits lose their mobility, upright posture, or ability to reach and groom their extremities, they will need assistance with hygiene and their other daily tasks.
Close-up of a rabbit's nose

Help! My rabbit is sick and I can’t reach my vet! 

Sound advice for managing common medical problems until you can make it to the vet.
face of a pet rabbit with myxomatosis

Californian myxomatosis

Myxomatosis is a deadly viral disease of domesticated (European) rabbits caused by the myxoma virus.
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