A Heartfelt Thank You: Petco Ends Rabbit Sales Thanks to United Effort

September 24, 2024

We are thrilled to announce that Petco has made the compassionate decision to cease selling rabbits in all its retail stores nationwide. This monumental shift in policy comes after sustained advocacy from the Rabbit.org Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales at Petco, a coalition of over 100 independent rabbit rescue and welfare organizations dedicated to promoting rabbit welfare and responsible pet ownership as well as the work of countless other independent organizations (see “community” below) and thousands of individuals. We sincerely hope that Petco will one day cease selling all live animal species, as no companion animal should be subjected to the risks of impulsive purchases and neglect.

This victory is a testament to the power of solidarity and collective action. We extend our deepest gratitude to every coalition member and every independent group and every individual whose unwavering commitment and tireless efforts made this achievement possible. Through our united voice, we were able to effect meaningful change for the betterment of rabbit welfare across the country.

Paige K. Parsons, President of the Rabbit.org Foundation, expressed her appreciation:

“This decision by Petco is a pivotal milestone in our efforts to protect rabbits from neglect, abandonment, and exploitation. It highlights the importance of responsible practices for companion animals and showcases the power of collective action. We are deeply grateful to every organization and individual in our coalition—your unwavering dedication has shifted corporate policy and set a compassionate standard for retailers nationwide. Together, we’ve created lasting change for rabbit welfare.”

The Impact of Our United Efforts

The sale of rabbits in pet stores has long contributed to overpopulation and the neglect of these sensitive animals. Rabbits are the third most frequently surrendered animals in shelters, often due to misunderstandings about their care needs. By ending rabbit sales, Petco is taking a significant step toward reducing the number of rabbits that end up in shelters or are abandoned.

Our coalition’s collaborative approach involved:

  • Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns: Educating the public and retailers about the complexities of rabbit care.
  • Direct Dialogue with Petco Leadership: Engaging in constructive conversations to highlight the benefits of adopting over selling.
  • Community Engagement: Mobilizing support from local communities, veterinarians, and animal welfare experts.

A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Coalition Members

This achievement belongs to every organization that stood with us. Your passion and perseverance have made a lasting difference. We are proud to list our 100+ coalition members who played an integral role in this success.

A Heartfelt Thank You to OUr EXTENDED COMMUNITY

Throughout this campaign, we worked to highlight the incredible resources and actions that made our collective efforts possible. We are deeply grateful to the many independent organizations and individuals who contributed, providing countless opportunities for voices to be heard and for meaningful action to be taken.

A special thank you to:

  • PK Rabbit Program and Bunny Brigade Inc. of Pennsylvania for alerting everyone to the Petco rabbit sales pilot program and sharing images and graphics that were widely circulated.
  • Alexa Benzkofer for starting the initial Change.org petition, which gained incredible momentum.
  • Bunnyflo for launching a second petition, further amplifying the cause.
  • The Facebook Group to Call Petco for organizing an impactful evening of online activism.
  • In Defense of Animals for their San Francisco Petco protest on September 13 and for mobilizing over 10,000 letters of protest from their supporters.
  • PETA for their behind-the-scenes work in supporting this effort.
  • The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) for reaching out to rabbit organizations and helping to build momentum.

We are sure that many more actions were taken and organizations played roles we may not be aware of. If you feel your org belongs on this special thank you list, let us know – we want to acknowledge your efforts. Please know that every action, every post, and every letter was vital to our collective success, and we are immensely grateful for all the contributions made.

Looking Ahead

While we celebrate this significant step forward, our mission continues. We encourage Petco and other retailers to partner with local rescue organizations to promote rabbit adoption and provide education on proper rabbit care.

We invite other rabbit rescue and welfare organizations to join our Alliance. Together, we can continue to advocate for the compassionate treatment of rabbits nationwide. If your organization is interested in joining us, please contact us at Alliance@rabbit.org.

Join Us in Celebrating

We welcome supporters and advocates to join us in celebrating this victory for rabbit welfare:

  • Share the News: Help spread the word on social media using the hashtag #RabbitsNotForSale.
  • Support Local Rescues: Consider adopting a rabbit or supporting your local rabbit rescue organization.
  • Stay Informed: Follow our ongoing initiatives and learn how you can contribute to promoting responsible rabbit ownership.

Together, we have demonstrated the profound impact that unified voices can have in advocating for those who cannot speak for themselves.

About the Rabbit.org Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales at Petco

The Rabbit.org Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales at Petco is a coalition of over 100 independent rabbit rescue and welfare organizations united in opposition to the sale of rabbits at Petco stores. Our mission is to promote rabbit adoption and responsible pet ownership through advocacy, education, and collaboration.

For more information, please visit www.rabbit.org/alliance or contact us at Alliance@rabbit.org.

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