
Scholarly Research on Rabbit Welfare, Behavior and Housing

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit behavior, welfare, and the rabbit-human relationship, […]

Clicker Training for Rabbits: A Comprehensive Guide

Clicker training isn't just for dogs and other animals; it is also an effective way to train house rabbits.

Tools of the Trade

There are a few basic rules about interacting with rabbits that can be very useful in preventing or solving misunderstandings.

Bonding With Your Rabbit

Rabbits are social animals. They need relationships to thrive.

Training Your Rabbit

Training your rabbit can be an incredibly rewarding journey filled with understanding and companionship. It’s […]

Reading Your Rabbit’s Behavior

A basic vocabulary of rabbit language to help you start a conversation with your companion.


Though rabbits are capable of learning certain human words, it’s more important for us to learn their language.
house rabbit looking antisocial


Aggressive rabbits are often very intelligent animals who are just trying to express themselves.

When Bunnies Use Biting Words

If you understand why bunnies bite, you can avoid being bitten.
two house rabbits laying on top of each other

Hands-On Therapy

Boys and girls are socialized differently while growing up and make the transition into traditional […]
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