
A Clean and Organized Rabbit Shelter Environment

some of our “best practices” for giving multiple animals the best care possible, while they await adoption, might be useful for other rabbit rescues or individuals with already-adoped bunnies in their own homes
outdoor house rabbit runs

Four Fabulous Outdoor Exercise Set-Ups For Rabbits

Looking for creative ideas for great outdoor exercise runs for your rabbits? Here are four fabulous ideas.

Thwarting the House-Fly

Calling them house flies is a misnomer, in my opinion. We do not invite them […]

Why Keep Your Rabbit Indoors?

Keeping your rabbit indoors is a compassionate choice.

Outdoor and Indoor Hazards

A “house rabbit,” allowed freedom of the home and yard, enjoys a lifestyle that is […]

Living Space: How to set it up

How to create flexible living arrangements for a happy house bunny.

Pens: The modern housing preference

Pens are inexpensive, easy to use, and can be adapted to fit in nearly any home.

Exercise: Setting up playgrounds 

Opportunity to exercise should be provided at least four hours a day or thirty hours a week

Bunny Proofing Your Space

Any part of your house that is exposed to a bunny resident should have protection […]
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