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Thymomas in Rabbits: A Comprehensive Overview

Thymomas are tumors that originate from the thymus, a specialized immune system organ in the chest cavity. While they are relatively rare in rabbits, thymomas represent a significant health concern when they do occur.
face of a pet rabbit with myxomatosis

Californian myxomatosis

Myxomatosis is a deadly viral disease of domesticated (European) rabbits caused by the myxoma virus.

Rabbit as Symbol: The Significance of Rabbits in Dreams, Literature, and Art

Rabbits have captured the human imagination for centuries, appearing in dreams, literature, and art with […]

Bonding With Your Rabbit

Rabbits are social animals. They need relationships to thrive.
happy house rabbit in large pen on lawn

TTouch For Rabbits: A Gentle Way to Better Behavior and Health

For caregivers, shelter workers and veterinary personnel all over the world, Tellington TTouch plays an integral part in their animal care regime.
house rabbit looking antisocial


Aggressive rabbits are often very intelligent animals who are just trying to express themselves.

The Right Stuff for a Bereaved Bunny

For animals and humans alike, there is nothing sadder than the loss of one’s long-time […]

É o tipo de pessoa para viver com um coelho?

Os coelhos são companheiros maravilhosos para as pessoas certas. – É paciente? – Tem sentido […]

Spay/Neuter For Bunny Love

Spay/Neuter allows rabbits to form permanent, close bonds with other rabbits without the competition and aggressiveness of mating. 
house rabbit dental exam

All About Teeth: Preventative Care & Dental Problems in Rabbits

Malocclusion, molar spurs, abscesses, drooling and other common rabbit dental issues.
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