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Activism The Foundation opposes the breeding, raising, or promotion of rabbits for food purposes […]


Fortunately for today’s bunnies, advanced medical treatment is available to them that we did not believe possible in the past.
house rabbit sitting on a dinner plate with angry caregiver

Rabbit Companions as Dinner: Just Good Business. Right?

Don't let the media dictate your views on rabbit meat. Rabbits are companions, not dinner.
two house rabbits on a cardboard house

How To Care For A Pet Rabbit: A Primer

Responsibility involves providing proper housing, nutrition, grooming, and veterinary care.
Close-up of a rabbit's nose

Marvin Remembers His Gardens

I was doing a framing job out of town, and one evening my wife called me up in my motel room...
Close-up of a rabbit's nose

Help! My rabbit is sick and I can’t reach my vet! 

Sound advice for managing common medical problems until you can make it to the vet.
two house rabbits laying on top of each other

Photos by Alison Giese

We are fortunate to have Alison Giese as a contributing photographer here at We’ve […]


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