

BEMERKUNG DES UEBERSETZERS: Sollten Sie auch auf der entsprechenden amerikanischen Seite die Originalversion lesen, dann werden Sie feststellen, dass dort die Worte "Spay and neuter" verwendet werden.

Saying Yes to Rabbits: Rentals and Bunnies

I need help," said the voice on the phone. "I want to keep Buster, but the only apartment I could find allows dogs but not rabbits. Can you find a home for him?"
house rabbit looking antisocial

Aggressive Kaninchen

Menschen sind oft geschockt, wenn sie das erste Mal ein aggressives Kaninchen erleben.

What Are Rabbits Really Like?

Those who live by stereotyping, pigeon-holing, or typecasting need not apply.

Group Living

Keeping large rabbit groups in warren-like habitats unveils their wild behaviors, demanding ample space and dedication.

Two Rabbits: A Perfect Match or Double Trouble?

The vast majority of rabbits crave the companionship of at least one of their own kind. We offer the following to help you decide whether a multi-rabbit household is right for you.
happy house rabbit in large pen on lawn

TTouch For Rabbits: A Gentle Way to Better Behavior and Health

For caregivers, shelter workers and veterinary personnel all over the world, Tellington TTouch plays an integral part in their animal care regime.

Spay/Neuter For Good Behavior

Did you know that spay/neuter has an enormous positive impact on rabbit behavior? 

Spay/Neuter For Bunny Love

Spay/Neuter allows rabbits to form permanent, close bonds with other rabbits without the competition and aggressiveness of mating. 
rabbit ears

The Eloquent Ear: An Aural Celebration

When asked to name the first three things that came to mind about rabbits, in […]
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