
closeup of a house rabbit eye

Rabbit Necropsy: Knowledge After Death

Thinking about necropsy in advance will help you make an informed decision in advance rather than when you are overwhelmed by grief.

Pasteurella: Its Health Effects in Rabbits

Understanding Pasteurella can help caregivers take positive action.

An Update on Our Progress: 3.14.24

An update on what Foundation has accomplished in our first 10 weeks online.
closeup of a house rabbit eye

The Rabbit Eye: A Complete Guide

Everything about rabbit eyes, from vision to health challenges and treatments

Rabbits and Exotic Diseases

Two recent incidents in the media have brought attention to the issue that rabbits, like […]

The Mystery of Rabbit Poop

Resolving runny stool in a rabbit is not always a simple matter.
weepy eye in a domestic house rabbit

Runny Eyes, Runny Nose: What Do They Mean?

Rabbits can suffer from sneezing, runny nose, and runny eyes for a multitude of reasons.

The Rabbit Liver in Health and Disease

We are working on securing reprint rights. In the meantime, here are third party links to the article.

Caring for Rabbits in Animal Shelters

If you work or volunteer for an animal shelter, we have materials that can help.
rabbit feet with sore hocks

Treating Sore Hocks

Common causes of sore hocks as well as the recommended treatment
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