
closeup of rabbit nose

Why Care about Rabbit Meat

Some thoughts on the arbitrary distinction between who we eat and who we cherish.

Living Space: How to set it up

How to create flexible living arrangements for a happy house bunny.

Introducing Dogs and Bunnies

More important than the dog or bunny behavior in establishing a compatible relationship is human behavior. Our job is to show our dogs how we want them to behave around our rabbits.

How to Find a Good Rabbit Veterinarian

Don’t wait till you have an emergency to start looking for a rabbit-savvy veterinarian.

Core Beliefs

Our philosophy is rooted in the belief that rabbits are intelligent and social animals who deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.

Spay-Neuter is a Win-Win

A spay-neuter prevents or solves all the most common behavior problems facing rabbits who live with humans.
a senior rabbit with assisted living needs

Assisted Living: Quality care for disabled bunnies

When rabbits lose their mobility, upright posture, or ability to reach and groom their extremities, they will need assistance with hygiene and their other daily tasks.

Choosing A Rabbit

While you consider what you want in a rabbit, consider also what you have to offer in yourself. Would your new bunny choose you?
two house rabbits on a cardboard house

How To Care For A Pet Rabbit: A Primer

Responsibility involves providing proper housing, nutrition, grooming, and veterinary care.
house rabbit sitting on a dinner plate with angry caregiver

Rabbit Companions as Dinner: Just Good Business. Right?

Don't let the media dictate your views on rabbit meat. Rabbits are companions, not dinner.
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