
Group Living

Keeping large rabbit groups in warren-like habitats unveils their wild behaviors, demanding ample space and dedication.
indoor house rabbit happily streched out on rug

Indoor Living is Best for Rabbits

Before you bring a rabbit home it’s important to think about the quality of life […]
house rabbit with text

Pre-Surgical Care For Rabbits

Do you know how to prepare your rabbit for spay/neuter or other surgeries? Let’s find out!

Two Rabbits: A Perfect Match or Double Trouble?

The vast majority of rabbits crave the companionship of at least one of their own kind. We offer the following to help you decide whether a multi-rabbit household is right for you.

Rabbit Sanctuary Group Living

Nine years in, my foster home prioritizes space and freedom for 20-25 "unadoptable" rabbits, contrasting with the few caged, adoptable ones awaiting homes.

Dear Abandoner: What Every Rescuer Wants You To Know

Your rabbit is my rabbit now. She wasn’t sick, but she was emaciated and exhausted.

Rabbits and Exotic Diseases

Two recent incidents in the media have brought attention to the issue that rabbits, like […]

Perks & Pitfalls of Rabbits: An Honest Guide

Are you thinking about a rabbit as a pet? We're so glad you're researching rabbit care before making a decision.

Clicker Training for Rabbits: A Comprehensive Guide

Clicker training isn't just for dogs and other animals; it is also an effective way to train house rabbits.
outdoor house rabbit runs

Four Fabulous Outdoor Exercise Set-Ups For Rabbits

Looking for creative ideas for great outdoor exercise runs for your rabbits? Here are four fabulous ideas.
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