Urine scald

Is Your Rabbit Sick?

Rabbits are prey animals, and specifically wild rabbits are vulnerable to predators on a daily […]

Tilly: The True Story of a Rabbit Who Overcame Impossible Odds

She wanted nothing more than an end to the burning on her side in the urine, the ache in her hind leg, the hunger demanding sustenance.
fat rabbit

Overweight and Underweight Rabbits

OVERWEIGHT RABBITS Slim and sleek. This is veterinarian and author Dr. Susan Brown’s description of […]

Common Medical Problems

A summary of the the most common disorders and diseases of rabbits.
a senior rabbit with assisted living needs

Assisted Living: Quality care for disabled bunnies

When rabbits lose their mobility, upright posture, or ability to reach and groom their extremities, they will need assistance with hygiene and their other daily tasks.