Petland’s Business of Cruelty: Selling Suffering, Ignoring Welfare

For years, animal welfare advocates have raised serious concerns about Petland’s sale of live rabbits, puppies, and other small animals. From documented cases of abuse to ongoing sourcing from questionable breeding operations, Petland has been repeatedly called out for their lack of adequate safeguards in place to prevent cruelty and neglect.

The Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales asks that you stand with us in calling for Petland to cease rabbit sales immediately.

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History of Abuse & NeglectWhy Should I Care?What Can I Do?

History: Cases of Abuse and Neglect

In one particularly horrific incident, a former Petland employee in Akron, Ohio, was sentenced to probation after admitting to drowning two rabbits in the store. The employee claimed that her manager ordered her to dispose of the rabbits in this manner. The case brought widespread outrage from animal rights groups, and the store ultimately closed following the scandal.

Despite this closure, it appears Petland has failed to implement any meaningful policies to prevent similar incidents of abuse. Animal welfare group PETA reported that they received a photograph from the same Akron store showing the employee with the rabbits she drowned, highlighting the brazen disregard for the welfare of these sensitive animals. PETA also received numerous complaints alleging abuse and neglect of animals in Petland’s stores. For example:

One person claiming to be a former Petland employee writes, “[I] used to work at a Petland … and [I] can totally relate to this picture … The stores … have puppies dying all the time, due to not having water and food. [T]he kennel techs are untrained and underpaid and they get back at the company by not taking care of the animals! … [A]ll Petlands should be shut down or the animals should all be taken away. [A]ll they care about is money, money, money!”

Apparently, Petland hasn’t done anything to prevent something like this from happening again. Man charged in OKC pet store killings enters guilty plea (

The Rabbit Mill Connection

Petland’s involvement with rabbit mills has also raised alarm. In a 2008 investigation by the Humane Society of the United States (pdf), a breeding facility in Maryland, known as Wagner Farm, was exposed for keeping rabbits in deplorable conditions. Petland was named as a buyer of rabbits from this operation, sparking public outrage and calls for accountability. Investigators found malnourished and sick rabbits housed in filthy cages, some dying from untreated illnesses.

Two former Petland managers were charged with animal cruelty as a result of this investigation.

Undercover investigation of Wagner Farms rabbit abuse by Humane Society of the United States.

While it’s unclear if Petland continues to source rabbits from Wagner Farm, this disturbing chapter in their history remains a stark reminder of the rampant issues tied to commercial rabbit breeding. Rabbits, like many small animals, are often bred and sold with little regard for their well-being.

Petland’s Puppy Mill Problem

Petland’s cruelty extends beyond rabbits. They’re the last remaining national chain still selling puppies. Petland is also the largest retailer of puppy mill dogs. These mills keep animals in filthy, cramped cages, breeding them endlessly with no regard for their well-being. Despite years of outrage from animal welfare groups, Petland shamelessly profits from this suffering.

Unlike Petland, Petco recently learned its lesson and stopped selling rabbits. It now promotes adoption through rescue partnerships—though sadly, it still sells other small animals.

Why Should I Care?

Petland’s Current Practices

Unfortunately, despite the backlash, there is no indication that Petland has taken significant steps to improve its practices regarding the sale of live rabbits. The company has not publicly committed to halting the sale of rabbits, and without transparency around its supply chains, concerns about animal welfare persist.

The Impact on Rabbits and Rabbit Rescues: Abandonment and Neglect

Selling live rabbits in pet stores contributes to overbreeding and increases the risk that these intelligent, social animals will end up in homes ill-equipped to meet their needs. Rabbits are one of the most misunderstood companion animals, often purchased impulsively without fully understanding their care needs. They require specific dietshousingsocialization, and medical care. When these needs are not met, rabbits suffer. Consequently, rabbits frequently end up being surrendered to shelters or abandoned.

What Can I Do? Boycott, Write, Comment, and Protest

Animal advocates must unite and take action to hold Petland and all other stores selling live rabbits accountable.

Animal welfare groups, including PETA and the Humane Society, have long called pet stores to stop selling rabbits and other small animals. Several major chains, like Petco, have made the responsible decision to cease the sale of live rabbits, though they still sadly sell other small animals such as mice, hamsters, and ferrets. It’s time for Petland to follow suit.

If you would like to take action, contact your local Petland store or their corporate office to express your concerns. You can also support rabbit rescues and educate others about the importance of adopting rather than purchasing rabbits from pet stores.

Take Action: Comment on Petland’s Social Media

Channel your social media energy into leaving multiple comments for the company on their own social media.



Take Action: Spread Awareness and Updates Through Social Media

Share this post and the pet with your friends and anyone who cares about rabbits to spread the word.

Take Action: Boycot Petland

BOYCOTT Petland! This is all about making money off rabbits without regard to their welfare, and we won’t stand for it.

Take Action: Sign the Petition

Petition link here soon.

Take Action: Join Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales

Let’s work together to ensure that Petland and other retailers stop live rabbit sales. Please send your letters and make your voice heard today. If you represent a rabbit rescue or advocacy group, please contact us to join our coalition. Questions? email us at

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