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Alhoewel er geen direkt wetenschappelijk verband is bewezen tussen calcium in het dieet en een […]
Rabbits do not have retractable claws like a cat which means they use them ALL […]
We cannot offer medical advice – we’re not vets. We can offer these two resources for ways to get a second opinion from a rabbit-savvy vet.
Watch Mary Cotter’s foolproof technique for nail trimming.
Smelly rabbit litterbox? Here are our top for tips.
Rabbits are prodigious self groomers and they keep themselves immaculately clean. But every once in a while for a variety of a reasons a rabbit will get a really poopy butt.
Bunnies with the best intentions may not always be physically able to comply with our […]
The healthy functioning of the cecum is critical to the overall health of a rabbit. Gaining an understanding of how this large organ works – and what causes disruption – will help caregivers monitor their rabbits’ health.
Whatever the cause of your rabbit’s hind limb weakness, it definitely requires an in-person examination by a rabbit-experienced veterinarian so that appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible.
When asked to name the first three things that came to mind about rabbits, in […]
“What we think of as a rabbit’s ear is only a part of their hearing […]
Clicker training isn’t just for dogs and other animals; it is also an effective way to train house rabbits.
The Word for Rabbit in Different Languages Or…A rabbit by any other name is still […]
Rabbits can resist being lifted and carried in a number of ways. Reacting instinctively to […]
Multiple sources of anesthesia protocols for rabbits.
Despite no proven scientific link, veterinarians frequently advise reducing dietary calcium for rabbits facing urinary or bladder problems.
Choice of litter and bedding material has always been based on individual preferences. We now have reason to believe that real health factors must also be considered.
Take care – rabbits can and will eat poisonous plants. Here’s a list of common plants to avoid.
Keeping track of your rabbit’s vital signs, including body temperature, heart rate, and breathing rate, is crucial for assessing their overall health.
How to clip a long-haired rabbit in a kind and gentle way. A companion video is available for a complete beginner’s guide.
Considering getting a classroom rabbit, or have a classroom rabbit or pet? Please think twice.
We are working on securing the reprint rights to “Pain in Rabbits” by Joanne Paul-Murphy, […]
Tips for helping a bunny with gas pain.
Summary of Pain control issues in domestic rabbits
Choosing not to breed rabbits is a responsible and compassionate decision. Here are five alarming reasons to avoid breeding and rabbit overpopulation.