
Ensuring Your Bunny’s Future Without You

We plan for our own futures—why not theirs? Without a plan, your rabbit could face uncertainty or even abandonment. Naming a caregiver and setting up a pet trust ensures they’ll always be safe and cared for.

Marinell Harriman in Conversation with Mary Cotter

One rabbit changed everything. Marinell Harriman’s rescue of a stray bunny sparked a global movement—leading to the House Rabbit Handbook, the founding of House Rabbit Society, and a new philosophy of rabbit care. In this rare conversation, she reflects on the journey that redefined rabbits as companions, not caged pets.

Sandi Ackerman

1943 – July 12th, 2024. We are deeply saddened to share the passing of Sandi […]

Carolyn Long

1949 – June 9, 2024. Carolyn Long was an accomplished artist, educator, and lifelong advocate […] Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales

The Alliance to Stop Rabbit Sales at Petco is a coalition of over 100 independent rabbit rescue and welfare organizations and bunny influencers united to end the sale of rabbits at Petco stores nationwide.

Is Your Rabbit Sick?

Rabbits are prey animals, and specifically wild rabbits are vulnerable to predators on a daily […]

Fireworks and Festivities: Keeping Your Bunny Calm During Loud Holidays

The 4th of July, New Years Eve, and Diwali. What do they all have in […]

A Clean and Organized Rabbit Shelter Environment

some of our “best practices” for giving multiple animals the best care possible, while they await adoption, might be useful for other rabbit rescues or individuals with already-adoped bunnies in their own homes
rabbit overpopulation in an image five baby rabbits

Large-Scale Rabbit Confiscations and Rescues

If you want to facilitate a large rabbit rescue, here are some tips. They are broken down into two main scenarios, based on who will be housing and caring for the rabbits.

International Rabbit Resources

Worldwide Directory of Rabbit Rescue, Veterinary Care, Boarding & Grooming Click on a shaded country […]
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