Domestic rabbits

Physical Design

By becoming familiar with our rabbits’ physical functions and by reading what their bodies tell us, we can use the right preventive care.
rabbit cecotropes in a litterbox


Cecotropes are special droppings that rabbits consume directly from the anus before digestion. To be […]
wild rabbit nest with healthy babies

Wild Baby Bunnies: Are They Orphaned?

Wild baby bunnies are usually not orphaned. Despite good intentions, attempting to rehabilitate them can be illegal and harmful.

Feeding & Caring For Orphans

Sometimes domestic or wild rabbits are truly orphaned. This document is meant to help in that dire situation.
two house rabbits on a cardboard house

How To Care For A Pet Rabbit: A Primer

Responsibility involves providing proper housing, nutrition, grooming, and veterinary care.
face of a pet rabbit with myxomatosis

Californian myxomatosis

Myxomatosis is a deadly viral disease of domesticated (European) rabbits caused by the myxoma virus.
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