
Is a Rabbit Right for You? Six must-Know truths

Rabbits are social, intelligent beings—not low-maintenance pets. They need companionship, a proper diet, enrichment, and specialized vet care. With a lifespan of 10-15 years, adopting a rabbit is a long-term commitment, not a short-term novelty.

Natural Nutrition Part II: Pellets and Veggies

Commercial pellets, particularly when fed in large amounts, may not be the best choice for all rabbits.

Pasteurella: Its Health Effects in Rabbits

Understanding Pasteurella can help caregivers take positive action.

Necessity’s Child: Bunnyproofing through creative adaptations

Creative thinking can help when it comes to bunny-proofing. Here's some inspiration.

Treat Your Bunny Right

Too many treats can result in weight gain and GI problems. For this reason treats should be given in moderation and in small portion sizes.

An Update on Our Progress: 3.14.24

An update on what Foundation has accomplished in our first 10 weeks online.

Digestibility in the Rabbit Diet

Rabbits have a very round-about, complicated way of getting their food digested.

Perks & Pitfalls of Rabbits: An Honest Guide

Are you thinking about a rabbit as a pet? We're so glad you're researching rabbit care before making a decision.
two house rabbits eat greens by a chair


Alhoewel er geen direkt wetenschappelijk verband is bewezen tussen calcium in het dieet en een […]

Lowering Blood Calcium

Despite no proven scientific link, veterinarians frequently advise reducing dietary calcium for rabbits facing urinary or bladder problems.