
Marinell Harriman in Conversation with Mary Cotter

One rabbit changed everything. Marinell Harriman’s rescue of a stray bunny sparked a global movement—leading to the House Rabbit Handbook, the founding of House Rabbit Society, and a new philosophy of rabbit care. In this rare conversation, she reflects on the journey that redefined rabbits as companions, not caged pets.
rabbit and gaurdian


Fostering rabbits isn’t just about saving lives—it’s about shaping them. Caring for animals in need teaches compassion, responsibility, and purpose. For my daughter and me, rescue work transformed our relationship, binding us not by genetics, but by a shared cause. Nothing unites a family like making a difference together.

The Pleasure of My Company

A true animal lover gives without expecting anything in return. Some rabbits seek affection, others prefer their own kind—but their happiness isn’t measured by how much they need us. The joy is in knowing they are safe, content, and free to be themselves—with or without our company.

Sexism and Bunny Lovers

This piece was first published almost 40 years ago, but the sentiment still rings true. […]

The Living Tribute 

Losing a dear friend of any species is one of the most painful experiences we […]

Inside The Box

Carolyn Long’s “rabbit boxes” are artistic tributes celebrating rabbits as individuals and companions.

Willingly Useful

As we become more concerned that our animals are treated fairly, an easy rule is to respect their choices.

Natural Nutrition Part II: Pellets and Veggies

Commercial pellets, particularly when fed in large amounts, may not be the best choice for all rabbits.

Natural Nutrition I: The Importance of Fiber

In consultation with Cindy McBee, DVM For years, I have agonized over what to feed […]

Cult Film Delivers A Rabbit Monster: Frank of Donnie Darko

Richard Kelly's indie film Donnie Darko may baffle rabbit-loving folk. Its monster rabbit, Frank, is unbelievably ugly. And the film hints that his rabbit-soul may be even worse than his looks.
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