
Group Living

Keeping large rabbit groups in warren-like habitats unveils their wild behaviors, demanding ample space and dedication.

How Meat Bunnies Are Killed

Inhumane and brutal are words that describe the slaughter of rabbits for food. Trigger warning: This article describes rabbit slaughter in detail.
rabbit hind limb weakness wheel support

Hind Limb Paresis and Paralysis in Rabbits

Whatever the cause of your rabbit's hind limb weakness, it definitely requires an in-person examination by a rabbit-experienced veterinarian so that appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible.
two rabbits in a litter box

Litterboxes and Liver Disease

Choice of litter and bedding material has always been based on individual preferences. We now have reason to believe that real health factors must also be considered.
weepy eye in a domestic house rabbit

Runny Eyes, Runny Nose: What Do They Mean?

Rabbits can suffer from sneezing, runny nose, and runny eyes for a multitude of reasons.

The Rabbit Liver in Health and Disease

We are working on securing reprint rights. In the meantime, here are third party links to the article.

E. Cuniculi

Causes, treatments, and research on E. Cuniculi.
a bunny with torticollis

Head Tilt in Rabbits: Don’t Give Up

Head tilt is not only survivable, but treatable. Bunnies with a head tilt can live a happy, comfortable life.

Appropriate Use of Antibiotics in Rabbits

Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. When needed for treatment of an infection in […]
two rabbits in a litter box

Waste and Wisdom

A tale of rabbit poop and recycling/organic gardening.
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