
Heart Disease in Companion Rabbits: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

As companion rabbits live longer, the diagnosis of cardiac disease has become more common, influenced by factors such as age, genetics, concurrent diseases, and diet, affecting various parts of the heart including muscles, valves, and electrical conduction.

Cult Film Delivers A Rabbit Monster: Frank of Donnie Darko

Richard Kelly's indie film Donnie Darko may baffle rabbit-loving folk. Its monster rabbit, Frank, is unbelievably ugly. And the film hints that his rabbit-soul may be even worse than his looks.
rabbit overpopulation in an image five baby rabbits

Large-Scale Rabbit Confiscations and Rescues

If you want to facilitate a large rabbit rescue, here are some tips. They are broken down into two main scenarios, based on who will be housing and caring for the rabbits.

Alternative Therapies to Treat Rabbit Pain and Musculoskeletal Issues and to Stimulate Wound Healing

Alternative therapies can be very useful in treating rabbits for many acute and chronic conditions. The modalities work best when utilized in combination with traditional veterinary therapies.
a senior rabbit with assisted living needs

Video: How to Know When to Euthanize a Rabbit

Many owners are so scared at the topic of euthanasia, they don't even want to think about it.

Tumors in Rabbits

Both male and female rabbits can develop many forms of cancer, and any organ can be a primary site – or a secondary site as a result of metastasis.

Rabbit as Symbol: The Significance of Rabbits in Dreams, Literature, and Art

Rabbits have captured the human imagination for centuries, appearing in dreams, literature, and art with […]

Pasteurella: Its Health Effects in Rabbits

Understanding Pasteurella can help caregivers take positive action.
fat rabbit

Overweight and Underweight Rabbits

OVERWEIGHT RABBITS Slim and sleek. This is veterinarian and author Dr. Susan Brown’s description of […]

Why Chocolate Rabbits Are the Sweetest Easter Gift

Giving rabbits as Easter gifts can be problematic for several reasons, making chocolate rabbits a more suitable choice for the occasion.