

Carol Allison and her husband, Gerry Upton, volunteer for several animal welfare projects. An extension […]

The Dangers of Softwood Shavings

The use of pine and cedar as litter for house rabbits should be avoided.

The Mystery of Rabbit Poop

Resolving runny stool in a rabbit is not always a simple matter.

Training Your Rabbit

Training your rabbit can be an incredibly rewarding journey filled with understanding and companionship. It’s […]
house rabbit dental exam

All About Teeth: Preventative Care & Dental Problems in Rabbits

Malocclusion, molar spurs, abscesses, drooling and other common rabbit dental issues.

Caring for Rabbits in Animal Shelters

If you work or volunteer for an animal shelter, we have materials that can help.
rabbit feet with sore hocks

Treating Sore Hocks

Common causes of sore hocks as well as the recommended treatment
house rabbit being groomed


Rabbits can act hardy, but their delicacy, from skin to spine, necessitates careful grooming

Bunny First Aid Kit

Eventually, you know you'll need one. Put your first aid kit together today.
a bunny with torticollis

Head Tilt in Rabbits: Don’t Give Up

Head tilt is not only survivable, but treatable. Bunnies with a head tilt can live a happy, comfortable life.
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