
Marinell Harriman in Conversation with Mary Cotter

One rabbit changed everything. Marinell Harriman’s rescue of a stray bunny sparked a global movement—leading to the House Rabbit Handbook, the founding of House Rabbit Society, and a new philosophy of rabbit care. In this rare conversation, she reflects on the journey that redefined rabbits as companions, not caged pets.

Is Your Rabbit Sick?

Rabbits are prey animals, and specifically wild rabbits are vulnerable to predators on a daily […]

Natural Nutrition Part II: Pellets and Veggies

Commercial pellets, particularly when fed in large amounts, may not be the best choice for all rabbits.
veterinarian examining a house rabbit.

Why Regular Veterinary Visits are Essential for Rabbit Health

Regular checkups are part of preventative health care.
house rabbit on the couch

Scholarly Articles and Research on Rabbit Health

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit health, commonly known as ‘pet rabbits’ […]

Bladder Stones and Bladder Sludge in Rabbits

Urinary bladder problems are seen in rabbits of all breeds, of all ages, and of both sexes.

Common Medical Problems

A summary of the the most common disorders and diseases of rabbits.

Top 10 Bunny Dangers

As your bunny’s parent, being vigilant will ensure a safe, happy rabbit.
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