
Ensuring Your Bunny’s Future Without You

We plan for our own futures—why not theirs? Without a plan, your rabbit could face uncertainty or even abandonment. Naming a caregiver and setting up a pet trust ensures they’ll always be safe and cared for.

Statement from The Rabbit.org Foundation on Genetically Engineered Rabbits

“Rabbits are not commodities,” says Paige K. Parsons, President of The Rabbit.org Foundation. “Genetic modification for profit ignores their welfare and fuels reckless breeding. This sets a dangerous precedent for animal exploitation.”

Podcast: Rabbit Speed Dating with Thea Harting

If you’ve ever tried bonding rabbits, you know it can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. […]

Marinell Harriman in Conversation with Mary Cotter

One rabbit changed everything. Marinell Harriman’s rescue of a stray bunny sparked a global movement—leading to the House Rabbit Handbook, the founding of House Rabbit Society, and a new philosophy of rabbit care. In this rare conversation, she reflects on the journey that redefined rabbits as companions, not caged pets.

Podcast: RHDV2 with Dr’s Amanda Jones and Anthony Pilny on “Every Animal Has an Owner”

The recent Medgene podcast, “Every Animal Has an Owner”, reminds us to continue vaccinating/boosting our […]
Graphic for Peggy Hoyt's All My Friends Wear Fur Podcast with the Rabbit.org foundation logo

Podcast: RDO Founder Paige Parsons on All My Friends Wear Fur

Paige recently joined attorney, animal advocate, and pet mom Peggy Hoyt on her weekly “pawcast,” […]
collaged image of three wild rabbits

Vanishing Relatives: Rabbit Species on the Edge

Many rabbit and hare species are on the edge of extinction.

Why You Should Never Trance a Rabbit

Trancing a rabbit is a fear-induced, involuntary response that should be avoided, as it causes extreme stress and offers no benefits compared to gentle, trust-based handling.

Is a Rabbit Right for You? Six must-Know truths

Rabbits are social, intelligent beings—not low-maintenance pets. They need companionship, a proper diet, enrichment, and specialized vet care. With a lifespan of 10-15 years, adopting a rabbit is a long-term commitment, not a short-term novelty.

Podcast: Understanding Rabbits: A Chat with Thea Harting on Animal Training Academy

Introducing Thea Harting, a seasoned behaviour consultant and rabbit training instructor. Residing in New York City, she has two decades of experience living alongside rabbits and a commendable decade-long dedication to rabbit rescue and shelter work.
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