
house rabbits in an enriched pay environment

Places to Be

preposition, n. A class of words that typically express a spatial or temporal relationship. In […]

Scholarly Research on Rabbit Welfare, Behavior and Housing

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit behavior, welfare, and the rabbit-human relationship, […]
house rabbit on the couch

Scholarly Articles and Research on Rabbit Health

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit health, commonly known as ‘pet rabbits’ […]

Every Little Thing She Does

The more lives you pay attention to, the more you learn about those particular lives and about the craft of paying attention.

Perks & Pitfalls of Rabbits: An Honest Guide

Are you thinking about a rabbit as a pet? We're so glad you're researching rabbit care before making a decision.
three disabled rabbits snuggling on a rug

Litter Training: for those who want to but can’t

Bunnies with the best intentions may not always be physically able to comply with our […]
rabbit ears

The Eloquent Ear: An Aural Celebration

When asked to name the first three things that came to mind about rabbits, in […]

An Uplifting Experience

Rabbits can resist being lifted and carried in a number of ways. Reacting instinctively to […]
two rabbits in a litter box

Litterboxes and Liver Disease

Choice of litter and bedding material has always been based on individual preferences. We now have reason to believe that real health factors must also be considered.

Poisonous Plants

Take care - rabbits can and will eat poisonous plants. Here's a list of common plants to avoid.
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