
Is Your Rabbit Sick?

Rabbits are prey animals, and specifically wild rabbits are vulnerable to predators on a daily […]

Antiparasitics containing fipronil are toxic to rabbits

Antiparasitics containing fipronil account for nearly one-third of adverse drug reactions reported in pet rabbits. […]

Rabbits Outdoors: Lowering Risks

Being outdoors offers rabbits the joy of fresh air, sunshine, and freedom to explore. However, it also exposes them to risks.
house rabbit and text warning not to abandon a rabbit outside

Why You Should Never Abandon a Rabbit Outdoors: The Dangers Explained

Never, under any circumstance, abandon a domestic animal outside.
house rabbit on the couch

Scholarly Articles and Research on Rabbit Health

This article features recent scholarly works on companion rabbit health, commonly known as ‘pet rabbits’ […]
outdoor house rabbit runs

Four Fabulous Outdoor Exercise Set-Ups For Rabbits

Looking for creative ideas for great outdoor exercise runs for your rabbits? Here are four fabulous ideas.

Outdoor and Indoor Hazards

A “house rabbit,” allowed freedom of the home and yard, enjoys a lifestyle that is […]

Caring for Rabbits in Animal Shelters

If you work or volunteer for an animal shelter, we have materials that can help.
house rabbit being groomed


Rabbits can act hardy, but their delicacy, from skin to spine, necessitates careful grooming

Skin Diseases in Rabbits: Common Causes, Common Treatments

The skin of rabbits is a window to their general state of health. Skin ailments […]
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