
Marinell Harriman in Conversation with Mary Cotter

One rabbit changed everything. Marinell Harriman’s rescue of a stray bunny sparked a global movement—leading to the House Rabbit Handbook, the founding of House Rabbit Society, and a new philosophy of rabbit care. In this rare conversation, she reflects on the journey that redefined rabbits as companions, not caged pets.

Natural Nutrition I: The Importance of Fiber

In consultation with Cindy McBee, DVM For years, I have agonized over what to feed […]

Two Rabbits: A Perfect Match or Double Trouble?

The vast majority of rabbits crave the companionship of at least one of their own kind. We offer the following to help you decide whether a multi-rabbit household is right for you.

Rabbit Sanctuary Group Living

Nine years in, my foster home prioritizes space and freedom for 20-25 "unadoptable" rabbits, contrasting with the few caged, adoptable ones awaiting homes.
house rabbits in an enriched pay environment

Places to Be

preposition, n. A class of words that typically express a spatial or temporal relationship. In […]

Every Little Thing She Does

The more lives you pay attention to, the more you learn about those particular lives and about the craft of paying attention.

Living with Rabbit Allergies

Allergy sufferers can live safely and happily with rabbits and other pets

Beyond Petting

Not a treatise against petting, but a sketch of other places you can visit with your rabbit.

By the Numbers

The problem with limit laws is that they focus on the quantity of animals rather than the quality of care.

Lops Are Mellow and Other Myths

As an adoption counselor I am often asked, “Which breeds are good with children?” Or […]
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