House Rabbit Journal

Blueberry and Raspberry

I BOUGHT MY first two rabbits at a pet store in Berkeley and then found […]

Stepping Into the Rescuer’s Shoes: Mentored Rescuer

I had no idea how Clover would change my life.

Will They Ever Be Friends?

For most rabbits, a buddy of their own kind enhances life.
two rabbits in a litter box

Waste and Wisdom

A tale of rabbit poop and recycling/organic gardening.

Rabbit People: How we define ourselvesย 

To be a true rabbit person you must be more concerned that your bunnies are happy in their environment than you are with how well they meet your demands.
house rabbit looking antisocial

Socializing the Antisocial Rabbit

Did Sinbadโ€™s socialization subdue his vigorous spirit?
house rabbit sitting on a dinner plate with angry caregiver

Rabbit Companions as Dinner: Just Good Business. Right?

Don't let the media dictate your views on rabbit meat. Rabbits are companions, not dinner.
two house rabbits laying on top of each other

Hands-On Therapy

Boys and girls are socialized differently while growing up and make the transition into traditional […]
illustration of rabbits and hay bales

Rabbit and Human Coexistence

Still Wild Because we share our homes and lives with animals domesticated relatively recently (about […]

Who Wants a Mean Rabbit?

SO YOU want a perfect animal. One who greets you at the door, who licks your […]
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