
Spay/Neuter For Good Behavior

Did you know that spay/neuter has an enormous positive impact on rabbit behavior? 
happy spayed/neutered house rabbit sleeping

Spay/Neuter For Happiness

Spay/neuter is one of the best things you can do to create mutual happiness with your bunny.

Perks & Pitfalls of Rabbits: An Honest Guide

Are you thinking about a rabbit as a pet? We're so glad you're researching rabbit care before making a decision.
two rabbits in a litter box

Toxoplasmosis from Rabbits?

I am concerned because I am pregnant and have read that feline litter box duties […]

Four Helpful Tips for Rabbit Urine Odor Control

Smelly rabbit litterbox? Here are our top for tips.
three disabled rabbits snuggling on a rug

Litter Training: for those who want to but can’t

Bunnies with the best intentions may not always be physically able to comply with our […]
two rabbits in a litter box

Litterboxes and Liver Disease

Choice of litter and bedding material has always been based on individual preferences. We now have reason to believe that real health factors must also be considered.

Classroom Rabbits

Considering getting a classroom rabbit, or have a classroom rabbit or pet? Please think twice.
rabbit overpopulation in an image five baby rabbits

5 Startling Rabbit Overpopulation Facts: Why Breeding Is a Problem

Choosing not to breed rabbits is a responsible and compassionate decision. Here are five alarming reasons to avoid breeding and rabbit overpopulation.

É o tipo de pessoa para viver com um coelho?

Os coelhos são companheiros maravilhosos para as pessoas certas. – É paciente? – Tem sentido […]
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