
The Dangers of Softwood Shavings

The use of pine and cedar as litter for house rabbits should be avoided.

The Mystery of Rabbit Poop

Resolving runny stool in a rabbit is not always a simple matter.

Training Your Rabbit

Training your rabbit can be an incredibly rewarding journey filled with understanding and companionship. It’s […]

Bunpocalypse Breeding Stats: How Many Rabbits Can A Rabbit Make?

One breeding pair of rabbits — and their offspring — can create nearly 4 million […]

Flying With Rabbits: Your Complete Guide

Planning a flight with your rabbit? Here are all of our resources about flying on a commercial plane with your rabbit.
two house rabbits separated by a pen

Bonding: When the Going Gets Rough

The rabbit psyche is mysterious, sometimes paradoxical.

Abituare un coniglio alla lettiera

Translated by Kelley Morgan with Laura Brunello Per natura, i conigli scelgono uno o più posti […]

Outdoor and Indoor Hazards

A “house rabbit,” allowed freedom of the home and yard, enjoys a lifestyle that is […]

Caring for Rabbits in Animal Shelters

If you work or volunteer for an animal shelter, we have materials that can help.
rabbit feet with sore hocks

Treating Sore Hocks

Common causes of sore hocks as well as the recommended treatment
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