
video stills of cleaning a rabbits hindquarters

Fly Strike

As disgusting as the subject is, we cannot ignore this eminent warm-weather danger.

Abscesses in Rabbits

An abscess is a cavity containing pus surrounded by a capsule of thickened, inflamed tissue. […]
house rabbit dental exam

All About Teeth: Preventative Care & Dental Problems in Rabbits

Malocclusion, molar spurs, abscesses, drooling and other common rabbit dental issues.
weepy eye in a domestic house rabbit

Runny Eyes, Runny Nose: What Do They Mean?

Rabbits can suffer from sneezing, runny nose, and runny eyes for a multitude of reasons.
two house rabbits separated by a pen

Bonding: When the Going Gets Rough

The rabbit psyche is mysterious, sometimes paradoxical.

Caring for Rabbits in Animal Shelters

If you work or volunteer for an animal shelter, we have materials that can help.
house rabbit being groomed


Rabbits can act hardy, but their delicacy, from skin to spine, necessitates careful grooming
weepy eye in a domestic house rabbit

Chronic Runny Eyes In Rabbits

Causes of weepy eye are varied; a correct diagnosis is essential for effective treatment.
a bunny with torticollis

Head Tilt in Rabbits: Don’t Give Up

Head tilt is not only survivable, but treatable. Bunnies with a head tilt can live a happy, comfortable life.

Skin Diseases in Rabbits: Common Causes, Common Treatments

The skin of rabbits is a window to their general state of health. Skin ailments […]
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